
1- Taleghani Hospital in Tehran
Architecture, mechanical and electrical installations, psychic sections, heart, ICU POST, CCU

2- Ahvaz Gas Company Championship Pool

3- Art Culture House (Shahed University office building)

4- The administrative building at the intersection of Eskandari St., Imam Khomeini St.

5- Parts manufacturers’ site in 10 km of Roodehen

6- Commercial center located in Lashkark

7- Guest house building on Lashkark road using solar energy in 1996

8- Sites and residential units, villas and apartments in Tehran and its surroundings

9- Isfahan Serum Manufacturing Factory and factories around Tehran

10- Mir Damad and Jordan administrative and commercial complex

11- 250-unit residential town of Shiraz

12- Mosque in the industrial town

13- University website and professors’ dormitory